[Web Creator] [LMSOFT]
Save God’s Children was a prophetic Word given to Linnie. In obedience she was led by the Holy Spirit to Nigeria and then South Africa. It was her faith and obedience that brought Grace to her life, audibly hearing a warning of a cerebral aneurysm.
All works were God given. She walks in faith to do the Will of God.

SGC Mission
  • To serve God our Abba Father, and obey all prophetic Words given.
  • To be lead by the Holy Spirit only.
  • Crusading to the indigenous in Australia, Africa and South Africa
  1. Word of God.
  2. Save Souls.
  3. Living by God’s laws, not ours.
  4. Our will versus God’s will.
  5. Education on why so many are contracting HIV and/or TB
  6. Effects and ramifications if medication is not adequately ingested.
  7. To break the generation curse brought by the forefathers who did not have the knowledge of transmission of diseases.

              h.    Infidelity, which can lead to HIV/Aids TB and transmit to                     innocent family members

              i.    Praying for the sick.

Facilities for adults & children suffering
  • Leprosy
  • Disabilities effected by leprosy
  • HIV
  • TB, MDR & XDR
  • Accusation of witchcraft in children
  • Counselling
  • Education
  • Miracle Home
  • Churches with facilities
Our Mission