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I set out with an Australian colleague, Ps. David from Akamkpa, and Blessing, our camera man and followed exact directions given to me by the Holy Spirit in Australia (September 08). Ask yourself, could you do this? Well I did. How could I doubt the Word of God after my healing, and more!!

As we were coming down the hill, the Holy Spirit was upon me. I screamed STOP, this is the place the Lord told me, TBL Hospital (Tuberculosis, Leprosy hospital) MBEMBE OBUBRA.    

As we walked into surroundings of broken down buildings and long grass, I was met by a welcoming gentleman, who said he was the Administrator for the centre. I told him the Word and directions I had received from the Lord in detail. He looked shocked, as all I stated was exactly the situation they were having. "It has been abandoned for a long time; we have little assistance, as the missionaries walked away from us. We have one section with people dying from TB and another with cured Leprosy, but all need urgent medical care, as we have no medication, wound care, food and little water. We are unable to take any more people" he said.
People were literally dying in front of me, loss of limbs that need prosthesis and wounds oozing because of lack of medication and bandages. Leprosy causes loss of feeling in the area that was affected, creating ulcers. Malaria is also a concern as they do not have any mosquito nets. Dying people have to supply their own food and cook it. A lady suffering TB has a couple of pots next to her bed, how they survive I do not know.
I pray that readers will help me financially. Our Lord led me here for a reason and for His purpose.

All that I am sharing with you is on DVD, email me if you would like a copy.

Nigeria Journal of Prophecies - 12
Prophecy 11
Prophecy 13
TB Ward. note Pots
Mbembe Obubra TB Ward
Praying for TB child
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