6th "Many still photos of these children, many adults you see suffering, .tell them they are saved. You both see much pain and suffering” said the Lord
23rd “Correspondence from higher people in Akamkpa and other villages to show on your documentary” says the Lord.
24th. 30th "November open doors in Akamkpa to enter my universe. Meet in Calabar with High Commission – leaders of political human services area. They welcome you Ps. Linnie and Land they donate. You are the pioneer again Linnie, a girl of vision and obedience” says the Lord.
I pioneered the first nursing home in the Northern Territory Australia in 1982.
“Do not fear your safety is priority, as you name will be known on television and radio for all good works of I” said the Lord.
We were invited twice to be on live television. CRBC ( Cross River Broadcasting) interview with Lizzy “AM Experience”.
Bishop Mike has a weekly radio programme, we were invited to speak twice on his programme. Many listeners came for prayer, an awsome time! Again all came to pass. Never doubt the Word of God.