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Vision 1. Forming of a bird followed by dove. Vision 2. Blue butterfly.

18th am. "You who doubt child, yes I bringeth a dove, meaning the Holy Spirit lives in you, and for you. Butterfly you saw, so pretty is a reflection of my love for you Linnie. Let me guide you and take you places to change the lives of others. Go in My Name” says the Lord

22nd "I yet bring you another vision tonight, to let you know this is of I. 2Samuel 22:4” says the Lord. "Believe me child, I protect you each step of your journey. Your house is guarded. My Michael Arch Angel surrounds you precious girl.”

Vision. Gold cross followed by dove and human covered waist down with shining gold.

23rd pm. “Do not overwhelm yourself with this mission – an experience you will never forget – wake up see the light of all I giveth you. Deuteronomy 26”. Says the Lord, "Yes my place is the beginning – Africa of barren love for my Holy Spirit to fill this my country, shower them with rain, shower with love, again do not be overwhelmed by events that occur, peace. I holy Spirit will give you all child, prepare for my works."

Vision. Raspberry hibiscus flower

24rd Night: Audible voice of Our Lord, woke me with the words "MUMMM". It was so clear I thought it was my daughter at the door. Within minutes my phone rang, it was Louis from Nigeria saying "mum".

Nigeria Journal of Prophecies - 2
Prophecy 1
Linnie & Louis
Prophesies 3
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