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PINE TOWN, KwaZulu-Natal Province, SOUTH AFRICA

11th April. I am standing outside The Dream Centre, and see a large sign with large words “GONE”, and a symbol exactly what Our Lord had shown me in a vision in 2008. I was in shock – this symbol was HIV! Then the Lord spoke.

“Be still in My Name, excitement fills many. Retrenched nurses and doctors. I now leadeth you. Walk where I tell you child. Camera comes later” says the Lord.

I felt it was a jig saw puzzle, as I was getting Words about one thing then another totally different situation, I thought. I knew God was in control, but I had the responsibility of having confidence and faith that all was in HIS plan and for HIS purpose. God had more than one reason for me to be led to the Dream Centre. I am not here to judge or criticize why the Dream Centre was closed. That is up to readers to search if you so desire, an amazing story! The fact of the matter as I was standing at the entrance,  and one of the owners introduced himself, and told me his side of the story. Again I will not judge, this was in God’s plan. They say it is sold to the Muslims, but the Dream Centre is not over for us. I wait upon the Lord. God had to open the initial door by showing me the “white church on the hill” and bringing a prophecy. They sadly voted against me at their leaders meeting. Again I am only the messenger, see page 13. I will show you each purpose as to why God lead me to each person.

It was not sold to the Muslims.
Sth Africa Journal of Prophecies -14
Prophecy 15
SA Prophecy 13
Pinetown Dream Centre
Pinetown Dream Centre
Pinetown Dream Centre
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