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We discussed this matter for hours and the bottom line is this. Briefly Shembe was chosen by God to be one of His prophets. He is now in heaven with Our Father. Shembe’s descendants continue the work of Our Lord as prophets. After our discussion and prayer Mpaza realized that many pastors in this area were preaching incorrectly, and teaching their members to worship Shembe above Our Saviour. Mpaza will be writing a book explaining the prophet Shembe and the meaning. If you would like any further information, email us.

Mpaza had a Word six years ago that a white lady would be coming to bring a prophecy to him, saying that he would be preaching to the white people. This person was me. I also received the same Word that Mpaza and I would be working together, which I delivered to him. His wife Doris was given a word the morning I arrived. “A person from overseas will meet you” she told Mpaza, again that was me. WOW!! What a feeling.

We will be working closely with Mpaza by holding “medical crusades”, meaning bringing the Word of God, praying for the sick, and education on TB. See and play front page on “prophecy on TB”.

12th April “You will be involved in infrastructure, then move onto many crusades to bring MY WORD, evangelists flock to join your works. You will reveal much famine and sickness among the rejected, abandoned and chronic. Bring MY WORD, Zulu churches accept you well. You will be meeting Shembe in MY time says the Lord”

We were well accepted by Ps. Mpaza,
the evangelist, pastor, lecturer, law
as the Lord had told me.
Sth Africa Journal of Prophecies -18
Prophecy 19
SA Prophecy 17
Johannes Shembe (son)
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